Pinch, punch - Its November 1 - Review time

So How did I do against my October objectives:

1. Run 4-5 runs per week. Do 100 miles during October.

This I achieved. I ran a total of 122 miles.

2. Continue to eat healthily at home - allow myself decent portions of food.

Mostly achieved.

3. Cut out beer on a Friday evening.

Partly achieved. Occasionally had more than recommended allowed. This area still needs work and I definately did not manage a month of abstaining.

4. Continue to remove chocolate and biscuits from my diet in the evenings.

Partly achieved. No biscuits at the moment, occasionally still having chocolate.

5. Remove crisps from my evening diet.

Not achieved.

6. Start on a strength training regime to support my running.

Not achieved - though went to gym to check it out. Need to decide whether to join or not.

I also set myself a few additional running challenges for October, to run my standard 4.2 mile run in under 35:30 and my Kerridge run in under 46:30. I achieved both of these objectives.

Weight wise, my objective was to lose a further 2kg, getting to 24 bmi. I actually lost 3.9kg in October, compared to 3.7kg in September. This brings my BMI to 23.6 today.

Some other achievements in October:

I ran the Windgather Rocks race in a faster time than last year, very pleased with this.

My visceral fat rating has moved from 8 to7 quite consistently now, good news.

All my other biometric readings are going in the right direction.


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