Starter for ten - what I'm doing and why

Getting a bit fitter I hope, losing some weight. Had the Summer holidays and decided I needed to get back in shape after drinking too much beer and eating too many cream cakes. So last week I started on my programme for getting back into shape.

I will keep this log as a personal record of the highs and lows as I progress towards my goal of a BMI of around 23.5. I've created it mostly for myself as an ongoing record while I'm working towards my goal, but also for next year when I realise I've got to do it all again.

Here are some of my goals:

  • Run the Macclesfield Half Marathon on 26th September - I've got some serious training to do;
  • Get to 23.5 BMI by losing 1kg per week - some time in mid-November I think.
  • By the time next years Summer holiday comes along where me and Sharon are going away on our own to be able to go onto the beach and not be afraid to take off my top
I've got some things I'm planning on achieving which I'll post about another time, but in summary they involve running at least twice a week, going to my karate lessons, cutting down on the beer and saturated fats, and watching what I eat.

I love data so I'll be making good use of my new scales each day, even though conventional wisdom says I should not weigh myself every day - well, I enjoy the data and seeing my progress!


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