Strength training (86.7kg)

I've been reading quite a few weight loss and running sites recently, and there is a consistent piece of advice which I can no longer ignore. Strength training, I need to do some. So I've read up on some of the strenght training exercises and found press-ups might be a good start, if I don't want to use weights or join the gym.

I found this site, which challenges you to do 100 press-ups. I'll try the initial test in a bit.

I also read up on a couple of running sites that I should be thinking about whether I want to lose weight or just lose fat. Well, it is the latter of the two, but weight loss is the best way I can measure.

I read on another site that weight loss occurs across the body by first losing weight in the face, arms and legs, and for men the abdomen will be the last place it goes. I'll have to find out if my face looks thinner yet.


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