
Showing posts from September, 2011

Resting heart rate down (

My resting heart rate today was measured at 56bpm, which is about 10 lower than 2 weeks ago. Here is the data:

Taking a break (86.7kg)

I've had a break from exercise over the last two days, mostly to allow my body to repair any damage caused from overrunning at weekend. Still walked to work and yesterday had longer walk to school and then park. Found some interesting trend data for uk here . I'll be running again tomorrow evening and over weekend, I'd like to do another 10 mile session at some point ready for the big race next weekend. My weight over the last couple of days has been hovering at the 86.6 to 86.7kg mark. Diet wise yesterday I took a break and had a couple of beers, crisps, cake and sweets. Today not too bad, a few jelly babies and chocolate after tea. Went out to flying field tonight for abit.

Struggled with hill run tonight

I'm suffering from fatigue from the weekend run plus my run last night. Tonight I only achieved 50:02 and struggled to get my heart pumping in zone 5 much at all. Here is the data as a comparison to last night:

Press-ups again

It is a few hours after I did my initial test, just for fun I thought I'd try some more and found I could only do 8 this time. Clearly my session earlier worked me harder than I thought.

30 consecutive good form press-ups

I just tried the initial test on the 100 pressups challenge and managed to achieve 30. This puts me in Rank 4, which means I start at week 3 column 3. I've looked at their logger site and it does not contain full details of all the reps done, but does count the final rep. I guess it is assumed that the first set of predetermined reps have been completed. five minutes after doing the pressups I can still feel the effects which are light head, sore arms. It must have worked then. initial test: the road to one hundred push ups Age < 40 years 40 - 55 years > 55 years Rank * number of pushups performed 1 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5 2 6 - 14 6 - 12 6 - 10 3 15 - 29 13 - 24 11 - 19 4 30 - 49 25 - 44 20 - 34 5 50 - 99 45 - 74 35 - 64 6 100 - 150 75 - 124 65 - 99 7 150 & above 125 & above 100 & above

Strength training (86.7kg)

I've been reading quite a few weight loss and running sites recently, and there is a consistent piece of advice which I can no longer ignore. Strength training, I need to do some. So I've read up on some of the strenght training exercises and found press-ups might be a good start, if I don't want to use weights or join the gym. I found this site, which challenges you to do 100 press-ups . I'll try the initial test in a bit. I also read up on a couple of running sites that I should be thinking about whether I want to lose weight or just lose fat. Well, it is the latter of the two, but weight loss is the best way I can measure. I read on another site that weight loss occurs across the body by first losing weight in the face, arms and legs, and for men the abdomen will be the last place it goes. I'll have to find out if my face looks thinner yet.

Half marathon photo

Just found a photo of me at yesterdays run, fairly early on I think. Both feet off the ground:

Todays diet

Not good - was over in Chesterfield seeing a client and stopped at Pizzahut for lunch. It was chocka with fat people! I had a salad from the salad bar and a 11 inch pizza (that was the smallest I could have). For tea I had a single egg omlette and tomatoes, no cheese. I've had a few bits of dark choc today too. I ate alot yesterday after run, so weight this morning was 86.9kg. Hoping to reduce that down to 86kg by start of next week.

Hill training started tonight

I did my usual 4.8 mile hill run tonight up onto Kerridge Ridge. I had previously looked at my old run data and had it in my mind that 45:21 was my best time, set in June 2010. However I cannot be usre as there is no route data. My time tonight was 48:10, which compares well to all my other runs of that course this year: 3/1/11 55mins 5/5/11 51 mins 3/5/11 53 mins Here is the data for the run:

Worst part of the half marathon

I'd said to sharon earlier that the hardest part of the race was in mile 11, I thought I'd just run out of steam before I saw my data. Here is an interesting graph of my performance compared to the elevation change. I now understand why I was feeling so bad. Weird thing is I can't remember the hill at this point! According to this data the greatest elevation change occured at the point when I fwlt like I ran out of steam. Also check out my pace int he final stage post 13 miles: 7mins 10 secs.

Macclesfield Half Marathon Results

I completed the half marathon in 1:56:26. I very pleased with this result, my aim was to get 2 hours or less. It compares well with my previous 1/2 marathons times: 1:52:50 2010 Macclesfield Half - I was very fit having competed in a Summer of Fell Races 1:56:26 2011 Macclesfield half 2:02 2009 Wilmslow Half 2:18:11 2009 Macclesfield Half Here is the heart data, which shows I was working hard for the whole race. My average heart rate was 170, max was 178, I spent most of my time in zone 5: I shall now be focusing on hill training in preparation for the Windgather 13.5 mile fell race in two weeks. Todays weight measurements: 86.6kg wake up 87.3kg pre run 86.4kg post run I had a problem with my pockets and keys today. I put a load of jelly beans in my pocket along with a car key. I couldn;t easily get the beans out because I was worried I was going to lose the key. Next time try to separate into separate pockets.

BBC article on dieting

I found this BBC article a bit depressing, not really much of a mention of exercise as a primary mechanism for weight loss. However, this article , was a more useful read and highlighted that protein can help you feel fuller for longer. One of the issues I have is that I feel hungry, so if I take on more protein it might help. Will remember this and try it out. Finally, this article advises that people who want to lose weight should weigh themselves every day in order to enable you to make small adjustments as necessary. This fits with my philosphy that the more regularly you are sampling the closer you are to being able to pinpoint why changes are occurring.

Todays weight - 87kg

My experiment didn't prove anything really. My results were the same regardless of whether I had water or not, unless I was not dehydrated? I've been slacking on the food log, yesterday I had my usual breakfast, two rounds of toast and marmalade, with benecol spread, 2 tablesspoon cod liver oil, a glass of fresh orange and mug of tea.. For lunch from the deli we got there late so I had a panini style sandwich, smoked chicken, salad and sun dried tomatoes. I had a late evening meal after a 4 mile run and bed for the kids which was beef curry, rice and red kidney beans. followed by a couple of slices of cake and a cup of tea. I was in a bad mood last night after arguing with Sharon so I had a bag of low fat crisps and milk at bed. This morning I had a bowl of muesli, orange, tea, clo and a multivitamin. I'll probably have a sandwich at lunch, Sharon is sorting out tea for tonight.

Bioelectric impedence tests

I did a bit of research on bioelectric impedence tests, which is the method my scales use. I found this resources useful (again) I read that dehydration can affect the results so I shall do an experiment. I normally weigh myself first thing in the morning before I've had my breakfast (and I'm probably dehydrated - well I'm thirsty anyway). So I shall do the following experiment to determine the validity of the data I'm gathering: 1. Weigh myself and record the bioelectric impedence results 2. Drink 1 litre of water 3. Wait 10 minutes 4. Weigh myself again and compare those results. I should ke 500g heavier and if I'm dehydrated I should see a change in the bioelectric impedence results?

My weight data over the last two weeks

I took the data from my scales this morning and plotted them. It shows a good reduction in weight, very little change in body fat percentage and a slight increase in muscle mass. To be honest, I'm sceptical of all the data apart from weight, but as a trend they are all going in the right direction.

Personal best time for my 4.2 mile run

Achieved 35:48 this evening, which matches my previous best set in March 2009. I spent more time in zone 5 (23.5%), but my average heart rate was about the same 161bpm. My max heart rate was 180bpm. While I'm thinking about it, pub lunch today of broccoli and stilton soup, with a bread roll and butter. Sharon is doing me soup for tea again. Off for a 2 hour karate session tonight at the Macc club. First time I've attended the black belt group.

Resting heart rate

Topendsports seems to have some useful information on measuring and assessing your resting heart rate. I watched mine for a while while sat reading and it moved around between 65 and 67. This puts me in the Above average to Good category in the charts on the Web site. I'll try taking a reading tomorrow morning after I wake up, as it suggests in the article on the site. While I'm on the subject, Sue measured my blood pressure over the weekend, it was 119/71 which she reckons is good.

Walking to work

One of the objectives I set myself two weeks ago was to walk to work. It is only a 0.7 mile walk but goes up and down a steep couple of hills. Today was the first day when I've walked in while it was raining. I decided to measure my peak heart rate, which got to abuot 145bpm at the top of Grimshaw Lane, from a heart rate of around 80bpm when I left the house. I'll post up the data later if I remember. So, I've currently got my heart rate monitor on, while I'm sat typing this my heart rate is 67bpm, which I think is pretty reasonable for a resting rate. I'll do some reasearch on this. Yesterday I thought I was blowing my diet a bit, nothing spectacular, but the Liveseys sandwich is big, and then I had a couple of slices of the homemade aubergine and wlanut cake that Sharon brought back from Cornwall. So I was pleased to see this morning that my weight was still 87.1kg, same as yesterday. As I only did one hour of karate last night I would not expect much of a c...

First milestone acheived - reached BMI of 24.9

My weigh in this morning recorded 87.1kg, which is a BMI of 24.9 according to my scales. This was my first milestone, as can be seen on my original chart produced on 6 September 2011. According to my goal chart, loss of 1kg per week would get me to my target BMI of 23.5 in the following:

New best time (this year) for my standard 4.2 mile run

Very pleased with my performance on tonights run. I did it in 35:58, which is about 25 seconds quicker than my previous best last Monday. Also, looking at my heart rate data, I seem to be improving as my heart was in zone 5 far less. compare these three charts which are all the same run: Two weeks ago - took 41:03 and I was in zone 5 for 83.9%. One week ago - took 36:27 and I was in zone 5 for 93% Tonight - took 35:58 and I was in zone 5 for 35%. I looked back over all my data for this run, and found only one run where I was faster, I had to go back to March 2009: I was clearly alot fitter then, as this took only 35:48 and I spent 11.3% od the run in zone 5. So, something to aim for in a few weeks.

10 miles in 1:35

I was quite pleased with my race yesterday. I needed to eat alot afterwards though. Not too sore today. Just finished sunday lunch of chicken roast.

Pre run lunch

Looked up what people recommend for food before a long run, pasta seems good, so I had fresh pasta, tomato and basil sauce from M&S, and some roasted baby tomatoes and peppers. Unfortunately the kids found the donuts too, so I had a donut. Also had that yogurt drink.

Epic fail

Urgh! I had too many beers last night, feeling annoyed with myself this morning. My weight this morning was 87.5kg, the lowest weight I've recorded. But I suspect this is due to the dehydrating nature of the beer last night, and not good fat loss. Not the best preparation for a long eun this afternoon.

87.7kg and pub lunch

My weight is unchanged from yesterday, though weekends tend to make my weight go back up. Down the churchouse for lunc: Pie day, beef and stilton pie. at least I stuck to not having chips, instead had new potatoes and vegetables. The Churchouse is not the most healthiest food as I think there was a fair amount of butter involved in the cooking. My usual breakfast this morning, a few cups of coffee during the day, and a pint of fresh orange and soda with my lunch. I plan on having a few beers this evening, and same tea as yesterday as I made far too much. Planning a 9 mile run tomorrow in preparation for next weekends 1/2 marathon. No running today. I had to drive into work too as I had to go to Worsley. All in all I'm happy with the first two weeks, and I've stuck to most of my commitments: 1. Cut out chips and reduce saturated fatty foods - achieved 2. Cut down on beer to weekends - I mostly achieved this. I had a tin of beer on Wednesday 3. At least 2 runs a wee...

This evenings run - 4.2 miles in 37:18

Limited for time tonight before picking up the kids, so I did my usual 4.2 mile run along the Old Railway to the bridge and back. I intended to do a more relaxed 9 minute mile run but ended up trying, and failing, to beat the pace I set on Monday on this run. But still, a good time for me. I got overtaken along they way by someone, a bit disheartening. I wonder if my heart data shows this. I might look later on.

Lunch today

A large sandwich from the deli round the corner: Brown seeded roll, smoked chicken, salad and sun dried tomotoes in oil. It is about as healthy as I can get from there, no butter. Breakfast today was same as yesterday. Tominght I'll probably fry some tomatoes and peppers in olive oil and garlic and have it with some pasta.

Todays weight - 87.6kg

I'm quite pleased with my current progress towards lowering my BMI to below 25. Hopefully if I keep up the intense exercise I'll be able to claim a sub 25 BMI before next week starts. My running activity has been high in the last week, in preparation for next weeks 1/2 marathon. Here it is: Tuesday - 4.17 mile slog - first run for a while - felt hard - around 40 mins Wednesday - 4.17 mile run with son on bike - around 42 mins  Saturday - 6.2 mile run with dad - felt hard - around 1hr 8 mins Sunday - 7 mile run with family on bikes - around 1hr 12mins Monday - 4.17 mile speed run - very hard - 36mins 20 secs Wednesday - 6.34 mile run - felt easy - 1 hour 3 mins I think this intensity of running is too much, but I need to be sure I can do the 1/2 marathon next weekend so I'll keep it up for the rest of this week.


Food log

I think this will be a challenge - to keep a food diary. This is something that a lot of the diet books and sites recommend, and I intend to keep some records of my food, this is one of the reasons why I started this blog, to give me somewhere to record what I eat. Here is what I've had today: Breakfast Glass orange 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil (yuck) 1 mug of decaffeinated tea 1 slice of toast with Benacol and marmalade 1 multivitamin and minerals tablet Lunch Leek and potato soup from the churchouse Bread roll and butter Two pints of fresh orange and soda Tea Chicken breast, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, shallots, roasted with garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, rosemary and pasley. Served with cous cous. I've had about 4 or 5 cups of decaffeinated coffee with milk and sugar. I always find the evening the big challenge for snacking, I've got a tin of lager in the fridge too. The tea was really nice, homemade, by me and Sharon last night. I was actually ...

Tonights run - 6.34 miles in 1hr 3 mins

Not a bad effort on my run tonight. Not quite up at 9 minute miles but tonight was a run for an hour not a speed run. The other night I achieved a 4.2 mile run in 36 mins 20 secs, which is one of my best times for my standard run down the old railway to the bridge.

Starter for ten - what I'm doing and why

Getting a bit fitter I hope, losing some weight. Had the Summer holidays and decided I needed to get back in shape after drinking too much beer and eating too many cream cakes. So last week I started on my programme for getting back into shape. I will keep this log as a personal record of the highs and lows as I progress towards my goal of a BMI of around 23.5. I've created it mostly for myself as an ongoing record while I'm working towards my goal, but also for next year when I realise I've got to do it all again. Here are some of my goals: Run the Macclesfield Half Marathon on 26th September - I've got some serious training to do; Get to 23.5 BMI by losing 1kg per week - some time in mid-November I think. By the time next years Summer holiday comes along where me and Sharon are going away on our own to be able to go onto the beach and not be afraid to take off my top I've got some things I'm planning on achieving which I'll post about another ...