
Showing posts from 2012

Macc Half photos

This is at the 4 mile point

Macc Half 2012 results

New personal best for me!

Middlewood run - 85.5kg

Ran the Middlewood run in 33:58 tonight. A fair bit slower than at begining of year, but well within my target of 8:30 per mile for Sunday.

Comparison with last year

I just found the post about my Kerridge Ridge run which I completed the day after the half marathon last year. I did it in 48:10. so I'm about 3 mins faster than a year ago. However, I had just completed the half the day before and I possibly was not racing myself. It will be interesting to see how fast I can do the Kerridge run next Monday.

Sub 45 mins for Kerridge ridge run

I managed to get 44:58 tonight, which means I achieved the mini target I set myself ahead of this weekends half marathon. Tomorrow night I plan to run along the middlewood way to practice the 8:30 pace I'll need to get a PB on Sunday. Generally I don't feel that I'm improving as fast as I have done before, perhaps this is because I started off a bit better. Weight is not going down either. I weighed in at 86kg over weekend again. I'll see what my weight is tomorrow morning.

Improved run time but for how long - 85.2kg

Ran again last night the same route, got 45:22. Still over two minutes off best, but 2 minutes better than Sunday. Today I probably need to rest as feeling sore in my legs, we'll see later.

What a porker - 86kg

Oh dear. It is such a long time since I posted anything up here. I have put alot of weight back on and stopped runnung regularly... However, I went out and did nmy Kerridge ridge run yesterday in 47:15, and just fonoshed it again today in 45:57. I'm preparing for the Macc Half in two weeks time, and aim to keep doing this run each day for preparation. Lets see if I can get below 45 minutes by the end of the week. This Summer has been tough, very stressful due to work, which has led to me getting into bad habits diet and drinking wise. when things started to go wronf back in April it really hampered my running, I just got very demotivated. I have had a lazy summer. Ironic really as the rest of the country has been going sports mad. I went to Crete for a while too, which really stopped all exercise dead in its tracks. Ah well, roll on winter season of running.

Overdue posts - 84.3kg

It is a long time since I last recorded my progress. I've done quite a few races since May, but unfurtonately not been doing so well. I've been rather stressed and fed up due to work pressure recently, which I think has affected my training and overall performance. I'll try to post up some of my recent race results.

The Vaness Feltz run

Not got much time to report on recent race progress, but here is a graph showing last nights performance,much improved on previous years results:

Rainow 5 Race result

Ran Rainow 5 last night. I aimed to do in sub 44 minutes, but achieved it in 45 something (forgot my watch so waiting for official result). However, I did come in only 15 seconds behind Dave, and ahead of both Matt, John and Rick G. So, good result all in all, pleased with that. I've done some digging on previous Bollington 3 Peaks results for last three years.Here they are, I aim to do in 52 or less this weekend:

4.9 mile Kerridge run - 83.1kg

I ran fast tonight, but not quite PB set in January. I ran in 43:22 compared to 43:03 in January, so not far off. Good considering how little running I've been doing recently. Karate weekend this weekend, then I have a week of races coming up. Will try to get out this weekend in preparation for that.

Got heavy again - 84.2kg

That was a weigh in after big dinner and tea so see what I'm at over the next few days.

Not been active recently

It is a while since I last posted. I've done a few runs since I last posted, but nothing mega: 9 miles with Dave on a Thursday Week of rest Kinder downfall race on Sunday just gone. I did it in 1:43:09 which is about 10 minutes faster than when I first did it in 2010. I didn;t make my target though which was to get at least half way up the field. I was 169/269. Ran out tonight. Originally intended to do 8 miles but instead did a fast 4 mile along Middlewood way, in 31:27, which is a little faster than my last go along there but still alonst 45 seconds off personal best. Anyway, also not been doing too well dietwise. Too much chocolate creeping back in, and I feel like I'm generally eating too much saturated fat. I thikn I need to start weighing myself again every day, as things seem to have strated to tail off since I stopped. I'll go weigh myself now, after changing batteries... Back in a min...

Middlewood way - one minute off pb - 82.7kg

Ran the Middlewood tonight in 31:45, which is one minute off my personal best. The weight I posted is the post run, post tea one.

New personal best for 5.4 mile Kerridge Hill run - 82.8kg

Very pleased with my time today. I was racing all the way round and very tired, but managed to take 13 seconds off my previous best to get 49:34. I'm definately a bit fatter than before by about 1-2 kg. This morning I weighed 83.3kg, the posted weight above is after breakfast and a run. For the rest of the week I think I'll run my other standard runs to see how I do against those. I'll do my 4.2 mile Middlewood way run tomorrow evening.

5.4 mile run after two week break - 82.9kg

A bit slower than previous best on this run, ran in 51:31, nearly two minutes slower than end of January when I set my PB for this run. Feeling heavier too, after two week complete break from exercise after Skyline, and not eating well. Also been drinking too much, so need to readjust my diet and running again now.

Starting running again - 82.5kg

After just over a week off running following the Edale Skyline (my knees are still sore from kneeling down over the weekend) I'm planning to run again this week, to bring up my weekly mileage back to what it was before I starting preparing for Skyline. I want to bring it back to up at least 25 miles this week. I'll start with a short flat run tonight I think, as I have karate later. Sue looked at my knees over the weekend and she reckons there is nothing wrong with them, my ankle was twisted though so I need to keep icing it.

Late race report - 81.5kg

I did the Skyline race last weekend, very tough, and very sore at the end of it. Today is the first day I've not felt pain and soreness in my knees and ankle. I turned my ankle over at mile 3, which was then a problem for the rest of the race, and I turned it again a couple more times. This left me with a sore and swollen ankle. Overall I was pleased with my result, I came in 4:31. The day was hot and sunny, very different to anything else we have been training in over the last few months. Here is a photo of me at the start climbing up onto Ringing Roger: Now that this race is out of the way, I'll start to focus more on speed and shorter runs again, to generally keep my fitness levels up. I also need to keep up my diet changes. I've been slipping slowly back into bad habits with the focus on eating for the race.

Sore knees - 81.4kg

Weight dropped again which is good, aiming to be 81kg on race day. Sore knees from kneeling down and running, need to get them sorted out. Also very tired after late night.

Final recce before race - 82.6kg

Dave and I did another recce around Edale on Saturday, only covered half the course but found some good lines over Brown Knoll. the weather was much better this weekend, without a howling gale., good running. I tried out my new backpack, it is okay but I'm not happy about not being able to get at my food, might need to do something different for the race. As there are two water stops I might not take water with me. This week I need to rest up so I'm not running, at least that is what I'm planning at present. I will research the best thing to do later. Here is the route detail from the weekend:

Edale Skyline practice run - 81.7kg

Dave and I ran the Edale circuit on Saturday in reasonably good weather conditions, except for the wind on the top. Here are the details: At almost 5 hours this was a long run, and would put us low down on the field compared to 2010. I'm aiming to do the race a bit faster, perhaps as much as half an hour faster? Here is a summary of the elevation:

Happy Birthday

It seems I sprained my ankle at the weekend, so no running at the moment. As it is my birthday I've not weighed myself and I had a Twirl!

Not been active recently

I think one of the reasons I did well in the Cloud 9 race is that I rested all last week, as a result of a hamstring injury. the previous Sunday SDave and I ran the Windgather Race route, we finished it in 2:21, which is about 10 mins faster than my best race time. But following that I developed a sore left left at the back so decided to rest it for the week. No signs today of injury (apart from tiredness and a niggle where I banged my ankle and knee falling over) so hopefully will do two runs this week. I'll be resting again from Wednesday onwards though as we are planning 21 mile run round the Edale race circuit on Saturday.

Cloud 9 Result - 81.4kg

Dave and I ran in the Cloud 9 'Fell' race yesterday morning. Both of us did well, I beat Dave for first time ever. 406 runners took part, I cam 126th at 1:14:29, Dave came 140th at 1:15:35. Here is a graph showing our times compared to the rest of the field: I just squeezed into the top 1/3 of the field. This is by far my best ever race result. Here is a photo at mile 2.75. No hills have been run yet:

Shining Tor and Back - 79.6kg

I ran up onto Shining Tor last night with Dave, from bottom of Grimshaw lane to top of Shining Tor took 1:09, then back again another hour. Good times, fast run, sore this morning. Here is one of the runs up the volcano in Lanzarote: Looking back down to our villa from the top:

Lanzarote fantastic - 80.4kg

Our holiday in the sun was superb, I did not run much (only 10 miles in total) but did run up the volcano twice which was great. I'll post up some photos of it. Generally forgot about all the healthy things I've ben trying to do while on holiday, drank far too much, ate the wrong foods and didn't exercise much at all. Will try to get out for a run tonight.

Motivation low and very busy - 80.2kg

I've suffered a bit of a motivation set back over the last few days. On Saturday it snowed and by Sunday lots of snow on the ground. I ran up to top of Shining Tor with Dave, but it was foggy and not alot of fun, and I was really tired. We ended up running taking 30 minutes longer than it should have! This has left me feeling demoralised and the subsequent poor conditions underfoot have led to me abandoning a planned 8 mile run at 4 miles and another curtailed run onto Kerridge Ridge. I'm also struggling with the new diet, it is a real bummer to have to watch what I eat and avoid all the foods I like. Had my first lifestyle meeting at the Docs yesterday, nothing new I didn;t already know, except she pointed out that sugar also increases LDL. I need to investigate furtehr as this has not really been mentioned in the books I've read. Off on holiday on Sunday to Lanzarote, so hopefully running in the warm weather will sort me out. I'll try to get out with Dave tonigh...

Yet another new PB - 79.7kg

I ran my 4.2 mile run along Middlewood way in 30:45 last night. 1:15 faster than when I last ran it at end of November 2011.

New personal best for 5.4 mile - 8.4kg

Very pleased with my run last night, which beat my previously set time for the 5.4 mile run. In the dark, quite cold and therefore not too boggy underfoot, but still some bog. 49:48 is a good time, was tired at end though. This brings me to the end of January. I did not set any specific targets for the month apart from beating my previous bests in the dark, which I have achieved for the two runs over Kerridge ridge. Here is the data from last night:

Blood pressure - 79.4kg

Went for a more casual run today, my 5.4 mile run in the sun, slower pace 58 mins. Very muddy and I made the wrong decision with my shoes, Rocklits are no good in the mud compared to mudclaws. Anyway, just measured my blood pressure, average over three readings was 110/67 at 85bpm. Very good :-) Last night I had fish for tea, was quite nice Tilapia, not at all fishy. Ironically, Sharon was not so keen. Scrambled egg and smoked salmon with baked beans on toast for lunch, then out for a walk with family and Briscola for tea.

Diet sheet this week

My weight has dropped significantly this week. I think combined with the extra running and the diet changes I've made since I got my cholesterol results. Here is what I've been eating: Monday Breakfast - Bowl of cereal, oatflakes, dried fruit and nuts, skimmed milk, Fruite smoothie, tea, CLO Lunch - Mushroom and leek soup, bread and butter, pint of orange and soda Tea - chicken, pepper, onion, fresh tomato, garlic wraps with hot chilli sauce, Strawberries and low fat ice cream Snacks - peanuts, skimmed milk Tuesday Breakfast - Bowl of cereal, oatflakes, dried fruit and nuts, skimmed milk, Fruite smoothie, tea, CLO Lunch - Sandwich, smoked chicken, olives, tomatoes, lettuce, water, frothy coffee Tea - chicken, mixed bean, pepper, onion, tin tomato, garlic tacos with hot chilli sauce Snacks - crisps, skimmed milk Wed Breakfast - Bowl of cereal, oatflakes, dried fruit and nuts, skimmed milk, Fruite smoothie, tea, CLO Lunch - Sandwich, salad, olives and sundried tom...

Big run last night at almost race pace - 78.5kg

Ran about 16 miles last night, 15 of which was at almost race pace, with Dave. Up onto Shining Tor via Lamaload, down to Windgather, then through the bog and across a river over to Charles Head, back down to village. It took us about 2:45, which is a pretty good pace. We were at the top of Shining Tor in 1:13. I did a good run on Wednesday too, I was racing on my 5.4 mile route and came 9 seconds slower than my personal best set during the day in mid Jan. I think this qualifies as achievement met for beating my personal best at night, as I set that challenge to myself before I then went onto run faster during the day. Here are the details for the BP:

New Night time PB with head torch failure - 80.2kg

Last night I ran my 5.3 mile run which taken me onto ridge then along to White Nancy. I was going really fast until my head torch failed on last leg which slowed me down considerably. I still got my night time personal best in 56:something.. Amazing considering I could not see a thing due to fog and loss of light. It was really muddy though and I took a tumble early on. Got very wet and muddy, loved it.

Explanation of how cholesterol is used in the blood stream

Good article on cholesterol:

Trans-fat - 80.8kg

I've been reading up on fats, and come to understand that trans fat is a killer and should be avoided at all costs. It is labelled as Partially hydrogenated fat, or hydrogenated in the ingredients lists. Trans fat has a double negative effect on cholesterol in the blood: it Lowers HDL and increases LDL. Here is a good article on the current legislation surrounding it: I have read others that back up a lot of what is in here. But the good news is: That idea holds, if the shops that were first to ban trans fats are anything to go by. Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, and the Co-operative are now completely free of trans fats in their own brands, and were so long before the Government initiative. They're undeniably upmarket. And because there isn't an outright ban across the country, it makes sense to conclude that it depend...

Epic Run - 80.8kg

Dave and I completed a 21 mile run yesterday which took us from Bollington, up Shining Tor, across to Cat and Feddle, then over to Wildborclough and Up Shutlingsloe, then finally down into Langley, up onto Teggs Nose and back to Bollington via Kerridge Ridge. Epic sized run with over 4000 ft of climb (according to Dave, my Garmin Connect says different). Here are the details: A few photos: Looking up to Shining Tor Shutlingsloe in background Top of Shining Tor - V Windy so holding on Top of Shut

Cholesterol test results - 80.1kg

Bad news on the Cholesterol results: Total Cholesterol: 6.3mmol/l up from 5.1. Ideal is less than 5 LDL Cholesterol: 4.5 mmol/l up from 3.7. Ideal is less than 3 Triglyceride: 1.2 mmol/l up from 0.9mmol. Ideal is less than 2 HDL Cholesterol: 1.23 up from 1.0. Ideal is more than 1 So my LDL is the problem, need to focus more on my diet now. Will have action plan prepared soon.

Birthday party - 81kg

Sharons birthday last night, curry and beer means I've well and truely broken my period of abstinance on beer for January. Must try harder. No running last night either. I had planned to run with Macc Harriers tonight over Cat and Fiddle way, but Tom has asked if he can run with me and I said I'd take him out tonight. I'll try him on something relatively easy and short I think. I'll let him have my mega head torch too. My cough is still lingering, changed to a more productive one now, so not so annoying. I'm hoping to do a 20 mile run on Sunday so will need to start preparing for it towards end of week. Will need to rest on Friday and Saturday and start carbo loading.

Kerridge Ridge 4.9m new PB - 81kg

Last night I ran in the dark and got a new personal best time for my standard 4.9 mile run. Did it in 43:03 which is 1:26 faster than previous best set during daylight in November 2011. Very pleased with this, especially as I'm still fighting off a cough. I should be able to get sub 43 minutes now:

Another Shining Tor run - 80.8kg

Dave and I ran another Shining Tor yesterday in cold but sunny conditions. Camera batteries died though so no piccies of a great run. Here is the route:

Photos from run onto Shining Tor on Sunday

Dave and I ran up to Shining Tor from Pyms Chair, then back round the lake via Buxton Old Road. Was very wet and windy, first time running with hoods up for a while...

Fasting for blood test - 79.8kg

I've had to fast since about 8pm last night in preparation for a blood test later this morning, weight recorded is lowest for a long time. Feel hungry. I still have a pesky cough which kept me awake most of the night too. I did a 10 mile run last night and did not cough while running. Weird. I've put my entry in for the Edale Skyline race at end of March. 21 miles is a LONG way, need to prepare for it.

2012 Race Calendar

Possible Race Calendar for 2012 Sun 5 Feb             10:30     Mickleden Straddle                         14.3m    £5      Sun 4 Mar            11:00     Cloud Nine (Congleton)                   9m         £6 (Preentry only) Sun 25 Mar          10:30     Edale Skyline           ...

Cough - 81.8kg

I've developed a cough, damn. Not sure if I can run with it, I was planning on running with Macc Harriers tonight. See how I feel later. I ate alot of food yesterday, including mince pies and cakes. Paying the price now.

Night Run personal best - 80.9kg

I did a night run on my Kerridge Ridge standard 4.9 mile route last night. I did it in 44:49, only 22 seconds slower than my all time personal best for this route done one Sunday in November 2011. Very pleased with this result, especially considering how muddy and slow going it was in parts, and in the dark as well. I'll attempt to get a personal best in the dark on this route by the end of the month.

Run with Dave and Matt - 80.6kg

Did a nice run up onto Bakestonedale and through Styperson pool last night. Headlights worked well. My Mudclaws were sorely missed in the mud. I had my Rocklits on and they are very different.

Running in the rain - 81.4kg

Last night was pouring with rain. I ran with my new head torch  and shoes . The weather was really lashing down, so much that I was in my Goretex top. Very wet underfoot, but I still managed to get my best night time for this run. I put it down mostly to being able to see well, combined with sure footing. I have a new aim for January 2012 which is: To beat my best day time at night on my two standard runs that take me over Kerridge Ridge. For the one I've been doing in the dark mostly I'll need to find another 3 minutes or so, but I reckon this will be easy enough if I don't have to wear my rain coat. The other run which goes the other way round the ridge will be more challenging.

New Year Resolutions 80.9kg

I've been on holiday to Grand Canaria for a week. I did quite a bit of running, around 39 miles, including a nice run up into the mountains, I did 725 metres of climb on holiday. I'll post up some pictures at some point, along with the route data. I need to do my objectives review for December, but here is a set of highlights for the running portion, I suspect the pressups and other points are not so well represented: 15 Activities 119 miles 4545 metres of climb 5.3 mph average speed 7.9 miles average run length Some New Years resolutions: 1. Get my cholesterol measured and checked - appointment booked 2. No alcohol in January after heavy run up to christmas and holiday 3. Maintain weight at 80 - 82 kg I need to set some new running goals but will review December objectives before I do that.