My blog to fitness. I will document my progress towards achieving my goal of getting a bit fitter, getting to a BMI of around 23.5 and my running progress. Created as a record mostly for myself to review in the future.
The Vaness Feltz run
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Not got much time to report on recent race progress, but here is a graph showing last nights performance,much improved on previous years results:
I found this BBC article a bit depressing, not really much of a mention of exercise as a primary mechanism for weight loss. However, this article , was a more useful read and highlighted that protein can help you feel fuller for longer. One of the issues I have is that I feel hungry, so if I take on more protein it might help. Will remember this and try it out. Finally, this article advises that people who want to lose weight should weigh themselves every day in order to enable you to make small adjustments as necessary. This fits with my philosphy that the more regularly you are sampling the closer you are to being able to pinpoint why changes are occurring.
Gamma GT is a marker for liver health, and historically it has been associated with liver disease due to alchool consumption. However, it is also useful as a more general marker for metabolic health as indicated in this study. It appears that it is a useful as an early marker for disease. Various studies have also shown that it is a useful marker for showing insulin resistance and other metabolic disease. Gamma-Glutamyltransferase: A Predictive Biomarker of Cellular Antioxidant Inadequacy and Disease Risk A few of the study highlights: GGT is an early predictive marker for atherosclerosis, heart failure, arterial stiffness and plaque, gestational diabetes, and various liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, other infectious diseases, and several life-threatening cancers. We review literature both from the medical sciences and from life insurance industries demonstrating that serum GGT is a superior marker for future disease risk, when compared against multiple othe...'s-guide-to-fabulous-abs.aspx There is an interesting section in here on body fat percentages and how the Americans have defined it. According to this, for men to be in the Fitness Range the target is 14-17% body fat. I need to investigate further... Ok... so the first thing I noticed was that it was not age dependant. I'm going to stick with the mibody readings at the moment: I'm currently sitting at 19% so this suggests I can lose a bit more.
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