Time to get on the horse again... 85.5kg

Ok, so it has been a while... For the past three or so weeks (since 9 October 2015 to be precise) I have been on a mission to sort out my health and fitness. There are a bunch of motivations for doing this which I'm not going to go into just yet.

At the moment my commitments are:

  • Zero alcohol - it seems as though this is the only way for me to go. Three weeks (or so) in and it is working so far, I even went away to Cyprus last week and didn't touch any beer. in the past beer on holiday has been an important part of the holiday, but it has caused problems so this time round I was tee-total. My wife said it was the best holiday she has had in ages. This is a good thing, I also enjoyed the holiday a lot, was a lot more relaxed and generally we all had a great time.
  • Running - I have averaged 5 miles a day for the last three weeks. This is taking its toll wut I want to do this for a month. I'll then take time to figure out some more sustainable target. I would like to get a new running partner (more on that another time).
  • Weight loss - My weight was up at over 90kg in the summer, and I looked very out of shape. I've worked hard to bring that down in th last three weeks, I have recorded about 4kg of weight loss.


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