AVRT - another interesting article/approach

This is a good article worth reading a couple of times:


I particularly like this bit:

'Any moron can decide to never again commit just one, vile act — the act of self-intoxication — and find within himself the ability to stubbornly stick to that decision no matter what.'

This is an interesting summary, I wonder why the language seems offensive to me though. WTF is The Beast and the Addicts Voice?


I like the idea that 'I get drunk and then get stupid' is backwards and that the stupidity starts well before getting drunk :-)

edit: it makes more sense on the second read.

This made me LOL when I was reading the introduction to the book called Rational Recovery:

'I wondered if I would finally become so desperate that I would "snap" and accept the religious conversion they proposed and devote my life to the spiritual Fellowship. Alcoholism seemed preferable.'

I have had similar thoughts about the spiritual and religious aspects of AA, and also about how one is expected to devote oneself to it.


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