December aims - 80.8kg

I did pretty good on my running in November, the focus was on ascent.

During December I want to focus on:

1. Speed - I want to bring my average mph back to around 6mph, whilst still maintaining some level of ascent. I'll do my hill runs but also mix in some flat running to help bring up my average to 6mph, and basically get me running faster.

2. Distance - I want to focus on longer runs. During November my average distance was 6 miles, I want to run longer runs so I'll aim to run at least 7 miles on each session. This will mean less runs on average, but maintaining at least 100 miles in total. I'll also need to figure out a few hills runs that I can do along which are 7 miles or more.

I have some bigger runs planned already: Shining Tor from Bollington this weekend, 15 mile Macc Harriers race next weekend, I'd like to try a 20 mile run too, but running out of weekends for that. I might need to do that one evening.

3. Pressups - I did okay with my pressups in November, but didn't keep it up for the whole month. I need to be more consistent this month (which reminds me, I need to do them today). Do at least 1200 pressups in December is the challenge.

4. Food and drink - still need to keep an eye on this , especially as we are in December now. I want my weight to stay stable at between 80 and 82 kg by end of year.

Down hill running seems to be my major weakness now, I was being overtaken on the downhills again this weekend just passed at the race At the moment though I feel this is something that I just need to leave alone, as trying to push too hard on the downhills is what makes my knees sore I think.


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