Rainow Five Tonight! - 86.4kg
I've been trying to relax on the running over the past couple of days. Sunday was the last run I did, up to Shining Tor. Got a good time at around 2:20.
The last couple of days I've gone on rides and walks instead of running. Was pleasantly surprised to find this morning I have reached my first target of losing 6kg. Downside is I think that is related to the beer I had yesterday.
Since returning from holidays I've been aiming not to drink. This weekend was the first slip, then again yesterday. So need to start again now.
My stretch for tonight is to run in less than 46 minutes. I will very be pleased if I get anywhere close to my last effort of 45:29. I should be pleased with anything less than 47 though really.
The last couple of days I've gone on rides and walks instead of running. Was pleasantly surprised to find this morning I have reached my first target of losing 6kg. Downside is I think that is related to the beer I had yesterday.
Since returning from holidays I've been aiming not to drink. This weekend was the first slip, then again yesterday. So need to start again now.
My stretch for tonight is to run in less than 46 minutes. I will very be pleased if I get anywhere close to my last effort of 45:29. I should be pleased with anything less than 47 though really.
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