Busy few months - 79.2kg

What a long time since I last posted. Lots has been going on, lots of healthy behaviours developed and perhaps now time to take a view on what is happening.

Here are a few highlights:

The Rational Recovery Programme - 'Never drink again' works. I have not had any alcohol of any form since October 2015. That is nearly 7 months. I don't think about it any more (until last night). I am still 100% bought into never drinking again.

Last night I watched the Louis Theroux programme about drinking to oblivion:


I had to stop it a few times to take a breath, it was difficult to watch and it reminded me just how fragile being sober is, even after a longer period of abstinence.

For me this time I am not ever looking for that 'period of abstinence' to end. It ended last time after 1 year when I thought I could drink again. This time I know that my abstinence is not a period, it is permanent.

Weight and diet
My weight has been pretty stable at between 77 and 79 for several months now. I have been tracking my body fat also and that is at around 11% which looks very healthy.

At the moment I'm eating whatever I want, I was using Whey protein shakes in the morning but that appears to have had an adverse affect on my skin so I have stopped that to see if it improves. I am still taking a SuperGreens supplement in the morning with orange juice.

I think if I were to set any new objectives for the next 6 months one of them will be to improve my general diet as I'm eating too much chocolate and sugar and not enough greens, fruit and vegetables.

Running and exercise
I have been doing lots of running of different types. This year is a marathon year and I completed the Manchester marathon in 3:26 which I am very proud of.

I have been running a lot with L which has presented some interesting and fun challenges. The running is a lot more enjoyable for sure.

I also joined the gym back in November. I'm trying to get benefit from it, but I am not very consistent. I think I am starting to see small changes as a result which is good.

I am playing squash with Tom, great when he is motivated to play, frustrating when he is not.

Sharon and I did a 3.5 hour Peter Kay Danceathon this weekend which was fab! Also getting out into Manchester with L to dance which is good. Shabba!

My cholesterol levels went through the rook at my last tests in January and I was called back in. Probelm was with the test being a non-fasting one so I got a scare for nothing. Overall my levels are still high, but my triglyceride level is very low, lowest it has been for years.

I also read up on cholesterol and statins in a book by Malcolm Kendrick called the Great Cholesterol Con so I am no longer tracking this. Instead I am looking at stress.

Well it certainly seems that stress is better for the most part, although there is still the odd aspect of my life which causes concern and anxiety. I am for the most part working on being happy and just trying to accept that not everything I do is good.


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