
Showing posts from 2019

Gamma GT is a better marker for health than Cholesterol

Gamma GT is a marker for liver health, and historically it has been associated with liver disease due to alchool consumption. However, it is also useful as a more general marker for metabolic health as indicated in this study. It appears that it is a useful as an early marker for disease. Various studies have also shown that it is a useful marker for showing insulin resistance and other metabolic disease. Gamma-Glutamyltransferase: A Predictive Biomarker of Cellular Antioxidant Inadequacy and Disease Risk A few of the study highlights:   GGT is an early predictive marker for atherosclerosis, heart failure, arterial stiffness and plaque, gestational diabetes, and various liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, other infectious diseases, and several life-threatening cancers. We review literature both from the medical sciences and from life insurance industries demonstrating that serum GGT is a superior marker for future disease risk, when compared against multiple othe...

Cod Liver Oil is good for you - 81kg

I don't like fish, can't stand the taste, and I'm supposed to eat fish regularly. Bring on the cod liver oil. I guess this is the next best thing to actually eating fish. It is full of Omega-3 fatty acid which is a good thing. Also it has plenty of Vitamin D and Vitamin A. The main health benefits I take it for are: Healthy cardiovascular system; Reduces triglyceride levels - historically I had high triglycerides levels due to drinking too much; Allegedly helps with depression; Helps fight imflammation. I actually take it out of the bottle. I mix a tablespoon in some juice or if I'm desperate into my protein shake. Beware of buying Fish Oil supplement by mistake. Code lver oil and fish oil are not the same thing.

Recent weight data

This graph shows my last 6 months of weight data. Can see it creeping up over time and then I intervene in mid February. I've shown the effect of holidays. My holidays are generally very healthy with plenty of running and trying not to overeat.

Results of 4 weeks of low sugar diet - 80.6kg

I've been off sugar now for about 4 weeks. My diet has mainly been based on a higher protein and higher fat intake and just cut out sugar and processed carbs as much as possible. During that time I've been keeping up my regime of 100+ pressups every morning and then some light running or walking in the afternoon every few days. My mood has been good once the first few days were done, I'm practising being more even tempered. The weight loss, mainly fat has been quite dramatic, given such a simple change. I lost about 4.8kg over 4 weeks. Most of this appears to be fat looking at my Garmin scales data. My stomach in particular has flattened out and generally I'm looking more cut. At the moment my vital statistics are: Age 50 187cm height 88cm stomach 80.6kg Blood sugar 5.5-5.9 Blood pressure 119/71 Resting Heart Rate 63 My diet in more detail: No alcohol - been teetotal since October 2015. This is the biggest change to my health I've ever m...

Living healthily - 82.8kg

It is interesting to come back here after 10 months since my last post and see what I wrote last time. All of that still holds true. My physical health is very good, and I feel that my mental health is also mainly held in check. A few physical aspects first: 1. My weight is currently good, very good. I'm keeping trim these days with a combination of running, eating well and some strength training; 2. My weight had crept up over time to over 85Kg, so back in February I decided to do something about it, with GC coming up it was time to get back into good shape; 3. I started doing pressups - 100 or more day. I started on 15 February and been doing them pretty consistently now for 6 weeks. I can do 100 no problem over 4-5 sittings. For example today I did 6 sets of 25. Not bad at all. It is now visible in my physique; 4. Running is still a regular practice, although I do it more slowly as I'm running with L, I still get out and do 5 miles two or three times a week; 5. Cur...