
Showing posts from April, 2014

Weight increases after exercise - 87.7kg

It is one month since I started to actively lose weight now. I have lost 4.6kg in that month. Here is the data: An interesting thing I have noticed, something which puzzled me over this weeked, was how my weight was increasing even though I was doing some quite intense running. On Friday I ran a very fast 4.2 miles and then on Saturday I ran Shining Tor for the first time in a year. I was surprised and perplexed to find my weight increasing during this period. Yesterday I got to the point of not being able to run due to muscle soreness, which is though overuse. I have run pretty much every day in April. So this morning I was surprised to find my weight had dropped again quite considerably, from 88.9kg on Sunday to 87.7kg today. So the Web research I've done so far indicates that this is due to water retention around my muscles as they repair themselves, which then disperses during the course of the following days. I have yet to find a 'scientific' report on t...

Progress update - 88.2kg

It has been 26 days since I started to monitor weight loss and start running intensely. I have not adjusted my diet much, I have done no fast days but tried to be more conscious about portions and what I'm eating. I have run almost every day including holiday in Lanzarote. So far lost 4.2kg over the 26 day period. Comparing this to last year when I used a 5/2 diet and running I lost 6kg in 25 days. Here is the current weight chart and compared below is the one from 2013: So what next. I will continue to run as often as possible, starting to push up my distance now and keep working on bringing my times down on the standard Kerridge Ridge run. So far managed to get to 46:05 which is best time this year.

Intense weight loss not happening - 91kg

I've run each night and tried to cut out calories but not having same effect as last time. Dropped 1.4kg since Monday run not alot of change day by day right now. I've started to use Strava and found a leaderboard segment on on there where I'm top, this relates back to my personal best for that course last year. No doubt now I've shown it to Dave he will go out and beat it:


Last night weighed 92.4kg, BMI of 26.4! Ok, so intervention time again. Current plan is to run all week, last night managed around 6-7miles. Not sure as my watch was not working. Currently trying to avoid chocolate, crisps etc during the day. Will try to stick to soup at lunch times. For running I've decides to use different routes so I cannot start to compete against myself constantly as this is too wearing, just need to run to get activity levels up again. See how we get on for the first week, then on holiday. Current plan is to lose 6kg in 2 months. This morning weighed 91.4kg, BMI of 26.1. According to NHS I need to be below 87.8kg.