Late race report - 81.5kg

I did the Skyline race last weekend, very tough, and very sore at the end of it. Today is the first day I've not felt pain and soreness in my knees and ankle. I turned my ankle over at mile 3, which was then a problem for the rest of the race, and I turned it again a couple more times. This left me with a sore and swollen ankle. Overall I was pleased with my result, I came in 4:31. The day was hot and sunny, very different to anything else we have been training in over the last few months. Here is a photo of me at the start climbing up onto Ringing Roger: Now that this race is out of the way, I'll start to focus more on speed and shorter runs again, to generally keep my fitness levels up. I also need to keep up my diet changes. I've been slipping slowly back into bad habits with the focus on eating for the race.